a wind of fear but also of rebellion blows through the streets of Tblissi
the youth trembles but is ready to fight
some are part of the queer movement, prime target of pro-Putin movements, others are artists, painters, singers, actors, others are part of the Russian minority who fled Putin's dictatorship, still others are fleeing the war in Ukraine where the dictatorship from lukadhenka in Belarus they find themselves a bit carefree in the evening in electro, punk or drag queen...
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a wind of fear but also of rebellion blows through the streets of Tblissi
the youth trembles but is ready to fight
some are part of the queer movement, prime target of pro-Putin movements, others are artists, painters, singers, actors, others are part of the Russian minority who fled Putin's dictatorship, still others are fleeing the war in Ukraine where the dictatorship from lukadhenka in Belarus they find themselves a bit carefree in the evening in electro, punk or drag queen evenings but for how long? all are part of this youth who rose up against the government in the spring of 2024 but today the risk is much greater, some are packing their bags, others have already passed the threshold to find refuge in Europe but most do not can simply not bring themselves to flee and for the latter revolt is the only way out
un vent de peur mais aussi de rebellion, soufflesur les rues de tblissi
la jeunesse tremblemais est prête à se battre
certains font partie du mouvement queer cible privilégiée des mouvements pro poutine d autres sont artistes , peintres, chanteurs, acteurs, d autres font partie de la minorité russe qui a fuit la dictature de poutine d’autres encore fuient la guerre en ukraine où la dictature de lukadhenka en biélorussie ils se received trouvent le soir un brin insouciants dans les soirées electro, punk ou drag queen mais pour combien de temps ? tous font partie de cette jeunesse qui s’est levée contre le gouvernement au printemps 2024 mais aujourd’hui le risque est beaucoup plus grand, certains preparent leurs valise, d’autres ont déjà passé le cap pour trouver refuge en europe mais la plupart ne peuvent tout simplement pas se résoudre à fuir et pour ces derniers la révolte est la seule issue
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