The war in Ukraine has exposed Russia's expansionist ambitions to the world.
Indeed, since Putin's accession to power, Russia has continued to nibble more or less visibly the territories located on its borders.
The series "in the shadow of the empire" aims to show this desire to restore the former tsarist or communist power that the kremlin has led for several decades and culminates with the invasion of ukraine in February 2022.
This serie will take us to...
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The war in Ukraine has exposed Russia's expansionist ambitions to the world.
Indeed, since Putin's accession to power, Russia has continued to nibble more or less visibly the territories located on its borders.
The series "in the shadow of the empire" aims to show this desire to restore the former tsarist or communist power that the kremlin has led for several decades and culminates with the invasion of ukraine in February 2022.
This serie will take us to Belarus, a small Soviet dictatorship at the gates of Europe, an unfailing ally of the Kremlin and now a rear base for the Russian army in the war in Ukraine.
Then in the Caucasus, in Abkhazia, a small self-proclaimed republic, after the bloody war which opposed it to the Georgian forces, today under Russian influence, which has become a bridgehead for Russia in this highly strategic region, close to Chechnya and in prey to a struggle of unfluence between Washington and Moscow.
Then this trip will take us to annexed Crimea which has become a point of crystallization in the war in Ukraine. Indeed, Moscow will never agree to get rid of it and the Ukrainians will do everything to recover it.
Through these three examples, this series aims to better understand the regional context of the war in Ukraine but above all of Russian ambitions in the region.
This series will allow readers to immerse themselves in an unknown universe, far from clichés, a world torn between a Soviet identity inherited from the great hours of the USSR and a modernity that has nothing to envy to the great Western capitals.
La guerre en ukraine a mis en évidence aux yeux du monde entier les ambitions expansionnnsites russes.
En effet, depuis l’accession de Poutine au pouvoir, la russie n’a cessé de grignoter de manière plus ou moins visible les territoires situés à ses frontières.
La série « à l’ombre de l’empire » vise à montrer cettte volonté de restaurer l’ancienne puissance tsariste ou communiste que le kremlin mène depuis plusieurs décennies et dont le point d’orgue est l’invasion de l’ukraine de février 2022.
Cette nous mènera en biélorussie, petite dictature soviétique aux portes de l’europe, allié indéféctible du Kremlin et devenue aujourd’hui base arrière de l’armée russe dans la guerre en Ukraine.
Puis dans le Caucase, en abkhazie, petite république autoproclamée, après la guerre sangalante qui l’opposa aux forces géorgiennes, aujourd’hui sous influence russe, devenue tête de pont de la russie dans cette région hautement stratégique, proche de la Tchétchénie et en proie à une lutte d’unfluence entre Washington et Moscou.
Puis ce voayge nous mènera en Crimée annexée qui est devenue un point de cristallisation dans la gerre en Ukraine. En effet, jamais Moscou n’acceptera de s’en défaire et les ukrainiens feront tout pour la récupérer.
A travers ces trois exemples, cette série vise à mieux comprendre le contexte régional de la guerre en Ukraine mais surtout des ambitions russes dans la région.
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